Planning Services
*All services can be customized to fit your needs!
Month of coordination
Starting at $850
Initial meeting
Four meetings typically 8 weeks, 6 weeks, 4 weeks and 2 weeks out
Unlimited texts & email communication
1 hour final walk through
1 hour rehearsal
Help finalize timeline
Up to 8 hours on your big day
Emergency kit
Partial Planning
Starting at $1800
Initial meeting
Budget tracking sheet
Coordination with all vendors starting 3 months out
Unlimited text & email communication
Monthly meetings starting 6 months out & bi-weekly meetings starting 3 months out
1 hour final walk through
1 hour rehearsal
Timeline creation
Floor plan creation
Up to 10 hours on your big day
Emergency kit
Full planning
Starting at $3000
Initial meeting
Budget tracking & managing
Arranging and attending all vendor meetings
Vendor contract reviews
Unlimited text & email communication
Monthly scheduled meetings
1 hour final walk through
1 hour rehearsal
Timeline creation
Floor plan creation
Up to 10 hours on your big day
Emergency kit
Add On Options
Add On Options
Additional hours
Additional meetings
Help with registry
Help with planning a shower
Help with planning your rehearsal dinner
Set-up and breakdown assistance
More options upon request
Bar Services
You can use this as an add-on to your bar or as a mocktail only bar!
Packages include: All mixers, garnishes, ice, bar equipment, bar tables, table linens, cups, and a bar menu.
*Bartenders are a separate fee
You supply the beer and wine and we'll supply everything else!
Packages include: Ice, ice chest, bar equipment, bar tables, table linens, cups, and a bar menu.
*Bartenders are a separate fee
You supply whatever alcohol you'd like and we'll supply the rest!
Packages include: All mixers, garnishes, ice, bar equipment, bar tables, table linens, cups, and a bar menu.
*Bartenders are a separate fee
You can use this as an add on to any other bar you select or as just a signature drink bar!
Packages include: All mixers, garnishes, ice, bar equipment, bar tables, table linens, cups, and a bar menu.
*Bartenders are a separate fee
Champagne Tower
Passed Champagne
Mimosa Bar
Bloody May Bar
And more!